My Podcast is called I'm Speaking...with Elizabeth West.
My episodes are about self-love, self-awareness, self-care and doing life and business your way!
"What I *didn't know was hurting me."
Are you an introvert working in a very 'extroverted' job?
Are you an 'early bird' or a 'night owl'?
What is your Human Design type?
Answers to these questions have helped me immensely and have stopped my bouts with depression.
I was always extremely hard on myself, I was always depleted and I had several bouts with depression.
What I *didn't know was hurting me.
Did you know that 50% of the population are introverts?
When I discovered that I was effing astounded! Wha?! If we're half of the population, why are we treated like we're much less?
Are you an introvert? (Or are you more introverted?) We're all a little of both!
Did you know that the only difference between an introvert and an extrovert is in how we recharge? That's it!
I swore that I was an extrovert my whole life until I found this out!
And what I didn't know 'did' hurt me.
I didn't know to recharge for one and being a caretaker for many years, I was never alone in order to fully recharge!
There were times when I look back and I had poor mental health which led to depression.
And if you're additionally an empath and a highly sensitive person (HSP) we need to recharge even more!
We're so giving and have so much empathy and we put everyone ahead of us and we put ourselves last. We are very selfless!
If you're a caretaker or an introvert, or an empath or an HSP and you feel burnt out constantly, or you've forgotten 'your' wants and needs...I wanna help you go from self-less to self-love. :)
I have a saying that "if we don't 'run', nothing gets done".
...And in the words of a fellow introvert and HSP in the online business world, Racheal Cook..."we need to protect our greatest asset...ourselves!"
Sign me up!
- Nicole S.
- tiffani K.
Multipassionate all the way!
manifesting generator
my human design type is
Interested in learning more
about Meyers briggs & Human design?
click next for my list of resources!